Thursday, April 11, 2013

dreaming while waiting

This has been an amazing year in the life of No Longer.  From sitting around dreaming about the "what ifs" to it being "all very real and happening."  Lots of super cool fundraising has been going on lately.  We have just completed our inaugural 5K and it was a HUGE success in our books.  Success would have been five people showing up.  HUGE success is defined as total awe, mouth wipe open, can't believe this is happening success.  More than five people showed up AND they weren't all our relatives!!!  Stay tuned for a more detail report in the coming weeks.

It's been exciting to plan the race, upcoming home party and even a CrossFit fundraiser.  But, if I'm being totally honest here... I'm just ready to go LOVE on some kids.  I'm so ready to pack my bags and go.  I'm ready to see little girls move into the orphanage.  I'm ready to see the boys dormitory being built.  I'm ready to experience this with my family.  I'm ready for our definition of love and sacrifice to change.  I'm just ready!!!  See the overall theme in the previous statements?  "I...  ME..."; however, God's not ready yet!  This has been a hard, bitter pill to swallow!  At times it seems as if time is dragging by or standing completely still.  I know fundraising and raising awareness to the orphan crisis is HUGE and important.  But, I just want to go.  Picture me standing with a suitcase whining to God, "I want to go NOW!!"  My tantrum in my head is similar to that of my 3-year-old's comical outbursts.  Through some humbling experiences I've had to step back, close my mouth and listen for His voice.  And right now that voice is saying it is not time yet.  It's frustrating for someone who lives by their calendar to not be able to plot the dates of the maiden voyage to see the kids.  But, it's not frustrating to Him.  He still says, "Just wait."  I've always thought I was a patient person.  It's always funny how we think we are and then to see how we actually are when we remove our rose-colored glasses.  Because I am a patient person...  as long as I know the plan.  Okay, I'm not a patient person.
In the meantime, I dream about their faces.  I dream about their smiles, their stories, their personalities.  I dream about losing myself in a different culture.  Very soon, these dreams will become reality.

Thank you for supporting us this past year as we travel down the path of unknowns.  Thank you for making a difference in the life of an orphan.  In the big picture it doesn't matter WHO you help or WHERE you go... it only matters that you make a difference and ACT.  To some that means travel and sacrificing time, to some it means adoption, to others it means contributing financially and to some it means simply praying!  All of those areas beautifully weave together and collectively we can accomplish big things and make a difference in the life of a child.

- Tracy

1 comment:

  1. The 5K was an incredible experience! Amazed at how the Lord continues to move in unexpected ways through it all. Continued prayers for this blessed adventure. Thanks for sharing, Tracy!
