Saturday, June 23, 2012

It's a house party!

So, what is a really fun way to help raise awareness for orphans in Haiti and around the world?  With shopping, of course!  The girls of No Longer have been working to find and create products for house parties that will raise awareness and much needed funds for the care of orphans.  The house parties will give the guests opportunities to share the needs of orphans with friends and to let them know how they can be involved in changing the life of a child who desperately needs it.  Our hope is that conversations will be generated, hearts will be changed, and others will join in the effort to show kids in Haiti how much they are loved...  Please join us at our very first No Longer House Party next week in Trussville!

Putting on a No Longer product party in your home is a great way to support the ministry as 100% of the profits from the sales of items at the parties goes to fund orphan care projects of No Longer.  Interested?  To learn more, please send an email to and we will contact you with more details.

Saturday, June 16, 2012


The hope of the world.
Bill Hybels, pastor of Willow Creek Community Church, is known for saying “The local church is the hope of the world.”  In the Old Testament we see that God chose to do His work through the Hebrew people.  However, as we continue to read God’s Word we see that the Jewish people did not accept Jesus as the Messiah and therefore, God chose to use Gentiles (non-Jews) to accomplish His will.  Today, God’s chosen instrument to spread His message of Truth and love is the local church.  We, the body of Christ, are the vessel that in God’s sovereign knowledge He has chosen as the way to demonstrate who He is to a hopeless world.
I have never seen this displayed in such a pure form than I did while in Haiti.  Everywhere we looked - literally everywhere- people were in need.  There we men sitting on the side of the road because they didn’t have a job.  Women were along every street corner trying to sell items they had made or food they had just prepared.  Kids were running up and down the streets with torn clothes and either no shoes or shoes that looked to be 3-4 sizes too small.  This doesn’t even account for the children in the orphanages.  
All of that changed when we arrived to church on Sunday morning.  We saw grown men weeping as we sang to our Lord.  Women were dressed in their nicest as they raise their hands in worship.  Children did not make a sound during the entire service and their eyes were glued to what was happening in front of them.  The people clung to God’s Word and treated it as if it were the greatest treasure they had ever received.  It was evident that people did not just go to church in Haiti for a social gathering or because they were expected to go. They went because it was their ONLY hope.  In the midst of the heartache, the poverty, and the hopelessness of their surroundings, they found hope in the only One who can bring hope: Jesus Christ.  The churches in Haiti are living and active and they are doing God’s work in an incredibly difficult environment.  The Church is providing education for children, training men so they can have jobs, teaching mothers how to raise their children according to God’s Word. The local Haitian church is the one providing care for the 500,000 orphans in Haiti.
No longer is excited about partnering with a local church in Haiti to help them accomplish what God has called everyone to do!  God didn’t call nonprofits to go and provide for orphans. He called His Church to provide care. When God partners us with a local church, we will not just be providing orphan care- we will be helping a local church advance the gospel in their community.  A lot of times when we think of missions, we think about Americans doing the work of the Lord for others.  However, the beautiful thing about what we are hoping to accomplish is that we want to enable the local Haitian church to do missions in their own country! This partnership between our community and their community, both doing missions, is what I believe Jesus envisioned of the Church as a whole: working together to care for the least of these. The local church truly is the hope of the world.  It’s time for the body of Christ to reach beyond ourselves and help the local church in Haiti as they continue to be the salt of the earth.

Friday, June 15, 2012

55 gallons of lemonade later...

No Longer was thrilled to partner up with the Hill family this afternoon with a huge lemonade stand in downtown Trussville.  And we didn't serve just any ole lemonade... we served fresh Toomer's Lemonade straight from Auburn, and it was deliciously refreshing on such a hot day.  The best part of the event was the many opportunities we were given to tell friends (and strangers) about what No Longer wants to do for orphans and how they can be involved in the excitement.  We were also happy to share the Hill family's story with others to raise awareness for the orphans around the world who are waiting for their forever families.  Ashley and Mike Hill are in the process of adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia, and they have involved their two sons, Hudson and Haisten, in their fundraising efforts and made the whole process a true family affair.  Many, many thanks to all who came out and bought lemonade today.  It was truly a success!  We sold 55 gallons of lemonade and raised $2,200!  Thank you, Trussville!

Thank you to the following groups for making the whole thing happen: Toomer's Drug, Lisa at Kuttin' Up, Randy at Legend's Smokehouse, and Suzie at The Chocolate Biscuit!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Big Upcoming Events

Life is about to get busy for the No Longer team and fund-raising will kick into high gear!  A precious couple is hosting a yard sale this coming weekend and they have decided to give all the proceeds from the sale to help No Longer's efforts in Haiti.  We are so excited to use the sale to spread awareness about the orphan crisis in Haiti and to show people a way they can be involved in bringing about change.  If you love a good yard sale or know someone who does, please pass this information along to them.

On June 15, No Longer is excited to be partnering with Mike and Ashley Hill's family at the ultimate lemonade stand in Trussville.  We will be serving famous Toomer's Lemonade straight from Auburn, Alabama.  The Hill family is in the process of adopting a baby girl from Ethiopia, and they truly have a heart for the orphan.  Doesn't a cup of ice cold Toomer's Lemonade sound like the perfect treat for a hot summer day?  At the same time you can help bring their baby girl home and offer encouragement and support to orphans in Haiti!  If you are interested in pre-ordering a gallon of Lemonade for a donation of $20 or more, please email Ashley ( before Sunday, June 10.  We will also have the new blue wooly shirts available!  

A very special thanks to Toomer's Drugs and Kuttin' Up for making this possible.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Haitian Chicken Farming

One of the coolest pieces of information the No Longer team brought back from Haiti was the plan for chicken farming with The Global Orphan Project.  The voice you will hear during the video is our GOP contact Adrien Lewis.  He led Kevin, Blake, Kent, and Michael's trip around Haiti two weeks ago and he has been invaluable to our group.  I hope this video inspires you to help the people of Haiti break the cycle of poverty and dependence in the seemingly small way of raising chickens.  Be watching for more photos, videos, and blog posts detailing the trip in the days to come!