God is crazy sovereign... emphasis on the crazy part considering he has ME leading this trip! Seriously, I'm nothing more than a measly 3rd year med student working my way through school when a mentor physician of mine who works with UAB approaches me about No Longer. Next thing you know, we're getting a UAB-approved course created and immediately start game-planning! Our medical missions team consists of one physician, one dentist, one pharmacist, eight medical students, one administrator, and one kids' leader. We are going through SCORE International to provide transportation, housing, food, translators, and other needs. The plan is to set up several clinics throughout the week in different villages on the outskirts of Santo Domingo with the help of local churches and pastors that SCORE has built relationships with over the years. Not only will we be able to take care of 50-100 people per day, but we will also be spending much of our time teaching moms, dads, and other adults in the communities about sustainable healthcare issues. I was fortunate enough to go on a trip through SCORE two years ago and to see lives radically changed in the DR... not from medicine, but by the Great Physician. I am now as excited as ever to go back to the place where I left pieces of my heart two years ago, and once again to simply be a vessel used to extend the mind-blowing, unconditional, infinitely loving arms of Jesus to those who desperately need Him.

Much love and peace!

So, what can we do to help Drew and the UAB medical missions team? They are in need of as much gauze as we can find and also small/simple craft kits, pony beads (plastic with a large hole for yarn to pass through), pipe cleaners, yarn, and stickers to entertain the kids. We will be collecting these items all week and need your help! Contact us at info@no-longer.com if you need info on where to drop items or any of the No Longer crew will take it from you. Thanks so much!
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