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Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in contests and cool t-shirt designs, so I just want to remind us all why No Longer was even created. There are more than 147 million orphans living in the world today. Each of those 147 million children are missing out on knowing the love and care of a parent. Think about all we are able to give our kids as parents or all you have been given by your own parents - security, love, physical affection... the basic needs of every human God created. Add to that our ability to see to the physical and spiritual needs of our children and it's tough to find much that is lacking. I was brought to tears this morning in church as I watched two friends dedicate their daughters to the Lord. Both of these daughters came to their families through a Chinese adoption, and their lives have been radically changed; not because they now live in America, but because they have found security, love, and affection in a family. Everyone is not called to adopt, but that doesn't mean we can't do something to change the life of an orphan! By supporting No Longer, you will be showing a small group of orphans in Haiti that they were created by God for a purpose and their life has meaning and value. Through the local church, their basic needs, as well as spiritual and physical needs, will be met and they will grow into a light in the darkness of Haiti.
A No Longer team will be leaving on May 24 for a vision trip to Haiti, and there are many ways you can help. Be watching the blog on Monday to find out exactly how!
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