Fighting. Pushing. Pinching. Yelling. These were all reactions from kids at the orphanages we visited in Haiti: not because they were in a fight with each other, but because they were fighting for our attention. These children were starving for someone to give them a high five, pat them on the back, or pick them up.
I tried my hardest to leave for Haiti with no expectations. Even though I managed to keep this goal, what I did experience is something I will never forget.
I have been on several mission trips and have even visited three other third world countries. In each country, the poverty is astounding. However- there was something different about the poverty in Haiti. In all the other third world countries where I’ve visited, there were large pockets of poverty but there were always sections that weren’t as bad. An oasis in a land of the poor. In Haiti, however, there was no oasis. There is no “poor part of town”, because to have a poor part, there must also be a nicer part. That kind of disparity doesn’t exist in Haitian villages because they are all desperately poor. In fact the longer we traveled the more reality sunk in that all-- every bit-- of Haiti is desperate.
As we traveled each day to a different village run by Global Orphan, we would pass thousands of people and children on the street with nothing to do. The nicest homes were made of a few sticks with tarps on the roof. We passed several cities that were literally made up of tents- hundreds of tents. It was overwhelming to pass all of this on our way to the orphanage. In my weaker moments I began to let my thoughts wander: There is no hope for this place. Even if we do help 40-100 orphans, what will the kids do when they are too old to stay at the orphanage? Will helping a few orphans even begin to make a dent in the massive problems that exist in this country? This is way over our heads...
It wasn’t until I saw the smiles of the children that I realized I couldn’t focus on the thousands of children no one is helping. Instead, I had to stay laser-focused on using my life to invest in the few lives that I can impact. The children in the orphanages are taken care of by “mommas”, where they have food to eat and a school and church to attend. But one thing was missing: the love only a mom and dad can give. God clearly revealed to me that my job was to love on these children and show them the love of Christ through simply being in the moment. I could not change their life circumstances or give them things that would make their pain go away. However, what I could do was tell the mommas how much I respected them, listen and pray with the local pastors who have taken in these orphans, and provide two arms to pick up children who needed to feel love.
In the coming days I will blog more specifically about what we did while were in Haiti. But for now, I just wanted to focus on the emotions that I experienced while I was there. Now that I am home, I am even more passionate about what Global Orphan is accomplishing and I am ready to be partnered with a church so we can start providing for more of God’s children in Haiti.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 14, 2012
Upcoming Haiti Trip--We need your help!
In a little over a week, we have our first team going to Haiti. A group of four will spend their days submerged in Haitian culture. The excitement is definitely building as we get closer to being "on the ground". The group will spend their days traveling to different villages and seeing the different phases of the building process. It will be exciting to see first hand the steps that we will soon take to help build a village. It's also possible they will visit potential village sites for No Longer. But, more important than all of that, they will spend their days LOVING on the orphans in Haiti. They will be playing games, coloring, and telling them that Jesus loves them more than anything in this world.
As they prepare to go, we have a few immediate needs that we need your help collecting. The following items are needed before they go on the trip. The team will have their personal items in carry-on bags, and all checked luggage will be used for carrying supplies. Let's try to fill those bags up and maximize the space!!!
What we need:
(10) soccer balls (that can be deflated--they will have to deflate to travel)
(10) nerf footballs
jump ropes (dollar stores are great places to get these)
peanut butter
small boxes of crayons
twin sheet sets
We have set up the Alfa Insurance office in Trussville (1808 Gadsden Hwy 35235) as a drop off point. This is Brian's office and it is located between Target and The Pants Store on Hwy 11. The office is open until 5:00 pm every day. All drop offs need to be done by next Monday, May 21. Please leave a comment if there are any specific items you can help with or if you have any suggestions/questions. If you are unable to drop items off in Trussville, please send an email to to arrange delivery.
Lastly, please keep our team in your prayers next week. Hopefully we will be able to update with daily news and prayer requests while the team is traveling, but internet and phone communication might be spotty. This has been an exciting journey to this point and we can't wait to see God's plan unfold!!!
As they prepare to go, we have a few immediate needs that we need your help collecting. The following items are needed before they go on the trip. The team will have their personal items in carry-on bags, and all checked luggage will be used for carrying supplies. Let's try to fill those bags up and maximize the space!!!
What we need:
(10) soccer balls (that can be deflated--they will have to deflate to travel)
(10) nerf footballs
jump ropes (dollar stores are great places to get these)
peanut butter
small boxes of crayons
twin sheet sets

Lastly, please keep our team in your prayers next week. Hopefully we will be able to update with daily news and prayer requests while the team is traveling, but internet and phone communication might be spotty. This has been an exciting journey to this point and we can't wait to see God's plan unfold!!!
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Winner, Winner!
True Random Number Generator
Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in contests and cool t-shirt designs, so I just want to remind us all why No Longer was even created. There are more than 147 million orphans living in the world today. Each of those 147 million children are missing out on knowing the love and care of a parent. Think about all we are able to give our kids as parents or all you have been given by your own parents - security, love, physical affection... the basic needs of every human God created. Add to that our ability to see to the physical and spiritual needs of our children and it's tough to find much that is lacking. I was brought to tears this morning in church as I watched two friends dedicate their daughters to the Lord. Both of these daughters came to their families through a Chinese adoption, and their lives have been radically changed; not because they now live in America, but because they have found security, love, and affection in a family. Everyone is not called to adopt, but that doesn't mean we can't do something to change the life of an orphan! By supporting No Longer, you will be showing a small group of orphans in Haiti that they were created by God for a purpose and their life has meaning and value. Through the local church, their basic needs, as well as spiritual and physical needs, will be met and they will grow into a light in the darkness of Haiti.
A No Longer team will be leaving on May 24 for a vision trip to Haiti, and there are many ways you can help. Be watching the blog on Monday to find out exactly how!
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
It's giveaway time!
When our group first started meeting and praying and talking about making a difference somewhere in this big world, we had a lot of discussions and debates about the perfect name for our group. We wanted this group to turn into a movement to care for orphans, so there was some pressure to get it right! Eventually somebody came up with No Longer and it just felt right. So the name is No Longer, but what's with the wooly mammoth? The story goes that Blake and Kevin were talking over dinner about what we wanted to accomplish for orphans with No Longer and that led to the topic of extinction. And talking about extinction led to the topic of the wooly mammoth! Thousands of years ago, the last wooly mammoth walked the earth. The question to ask yourself is this: what if one day soon, orphans in need of care and love were also No Longer? There you have it... a good explanation of No Longer's woolly mammoth.
To celebrate the debut of our newest wooly tee, No Longer is excited to host our first blog giveaway! Would you like to win No Longer gear and other fun treats? It's easy! A winner will be randomly picked here on the No Longer Blog this Sunday night.

What do I win?
- 1 free tee (you pick the size!)
- a No Longer tote bag full of No Longer treats and other goodies
- a wooden block picture holder
How do I enter the giveaway?
You can enter your name up to THREE times by:
- Leaving a comment on the blog at the bottom of this post! Let us know what color tee you would like to see offered next!
- Share the giveaway on your Facebook page, Pin it on Pinterest, Tweet about it, Blog about it, Email your friends... just share it! Share the giveaway in up to two of these ways and let us know what you did by leaving a comment for each share.
And if giveaways aren't your thing or you really like the new tee, check out the No Longer store and order one (or two or three)! We will also be offering this tee in YOUTH sizes!! Shirts should arrive within the next several weeks... just in time for summer!
And while you're in the store, why not leave a donation for a special mother in your life, just in time for Mother's Day? Read here to find out what your donation will mean to a No Longer "momma" in Haiti.
And while you're in the store, why not leave a donation for a special mother in your life, just in time for Mother's Day? Read here to find out what your donation will mean to a No Longer "momma" in Haiti.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Happy "Mommas" Day!
So what does this have to do with the orphans No Longer will help in Haiti? Instead of a stand-alone or institutional orphanage, No Longer will be funding the construction of multiple small homes within the local community to house ten to twelve orphans each. The orphans we will serve are children who are truly orphaned or otherwise without care and without a viable family care option. This brings me to one of the coolest components of our village system - the "mommas." These very special "mommas" (or husband-wife team) will live in a home with ten to twelve orphans, and they will be trained and supervised by the local church to provide food, clean water, clothing, healthcare, and, most importantly, love and consistency to the children in their home. Most of these children are considered unadoptable for different reasons, and this model is a way to let them know they are important and worthy of love. This opens the door for them the learn about a Father who loves them more than they can imagine.

"She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy."
Proverbs 31:20
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