Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wooly Wednesday: No Longer 5K Review

Let's start this Wooly Wednesday off with a BIG, WOOLY THANK YOU to the many runners, walkers, and spectators who showed up for the No Longer 5K last Saturday morning! THANK YOU!!

The days leading up to the 3rd annual No Longer 5K were fast and furious. Lots of last minute tasks to wrap up….. finalizing details with our new timing company, rolling our cool new shirts, laying out a stress-free check-in system, and more randomness. With days (and even hours) to go until the start of the race, we all turned into seasoned meteorologists with minutes of formal training (which we earned by using every weather app we could find). Up until an hour before the race started we were still thinking the 90% chance of thunderstorms could possibly roll through and ruin a morning we had planned for over the last 365 days. But, as the morning sun rose and time ticked by, the rain held off for a fantastic morning. Just under 300 people showed up for a fun-filled morning to run, jog or walk. Amazingly, No Longer raised over $25,000 to help care for the children at Casa Amor. These funds will help clothe, feed, provide schooling, pay for caregivers and much more to help ensure these children who are orphaned will have a future. These precious lives in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic will be forever impacted by the generosity showed by the participants and spectators enjoying a Saturday morning race in Trussville, Alabama. 

We hope you were able to visit our education area on Saturday to see the faces of the children who call Casa Amor home. When you see their smiling faces and their eyes filled with hope, it’s impossible not to fall in love with them immediately. Saturday morning as we gathered together to run, over 1440 miles away 20 children were playing in the morning sun having no idea what was happening on their behalf in Alabama. They had no idea a community had gathered together to celebrate them and raise support and awareness for orphans.   

The 5K absolutely could not have happened without the support of our sponsors. Because of their commitment we are able to continue to provide and care for the children at Casa Amor. Please thank all the race sponsors by supporting them in our local community. Also, we have the BEST volunteers. They helped learn a new timing check-in system, stuffed bags, and set up and cleaned up on race day. We simply could not pull off a successful race without the help of so many dedicated volunteers.  

Thank you again to everyone who participated in the No Longer 5K by running, volunteering, and cheering. The No Longer 5K planning team is grateful for your support and love. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more pictures and updates coming later this week.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wooly Wednesday: Edwyn

Sweet Edwyn, a quiet reserved soul. You can tell in his eyes he's a thinker. Cautiously observing and waiting for the right moment to jump in the action. The first day our team arrived at Casa Amor we unpacked the infamous rubber band bracelets. After quite some time we noticed a couple of boys were missing from the big group. We discovered Edwyn sitting on top of the covered playset with a huge pile of rubber bands. He had quietly snuck away from the group to make his bracelets in peace and quiet (and he didn't have to share). 

Over the course of the next few days, we watched Edwyn's personality emerge. Not so much shy, but cautious and reserved. He loved to run and play basketball... anything to burn some energy. The second day at Casa Amor we let the kids take over operating the GoPro camera. There we found Edwyn's true passion. He had the camera most of the day, but it wasn't until late that night when we saw the video we knew what all he had done. Sweet Edwyn would position the camera carefully and check and double check its placement. He then would do close-up action shots with all the kids. The day 2 video was definitely my favorite because so much of it was from Edwyn's point of view. Take a couple of minutes and watch the video!

If Edwyn had not found a home at Casa Amor, there is just about no way he would have discovered how much he enjoys being behind a camera making videos and snapping photographs. We don't know what his future might hold, but we do know he will have more options living in a home where his family encourages him to follow his passions and to chase dreams.

Having races with the kids was one of the most fun things our team did while at Casa Amor. Races across the grass. Races to see who could run up the slide (Emily was very persistent). Races to get a ball when it suddenly bounced away. The kids just LOVE to run! As we close in quickly on the No Longer 5K, our thoughts constantly flash back to those sweet faces, running and laughing.  Please join us April 25 as we honor all 19 children who call Casa Amor home. On the morning of the race, 1440 miles away the kids will be immersed in their morning activities and will have no idea what's taking place in Trussville, Alabama. But we know it is a morning that will make a HUGE difference in their lives! We have an exciting morning planned! Fellowship, laughter and running all centered around this precious group of children. There will be an opportunity to get a glimpse into their daily lives as well as how you can be involved in changing their future. We hope you'll join us!


"Father of orphans, champion of widows, is God in his holy house.
God makes homes for the homeless, leads prisoners to freedom."
Psalm 68:5-6

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Wooly Wednesday: Hans


Hans arrived on the scene at Casa Amor, along with Richard, on the day of the ribbon cutting ceremony and celebration last August. If you will remember, about 100 people were in attendance at the party, so I can only imagine how overwhelming that must have been for Hans. He is a somewhat reserved 11-year-old boy with an even temperament and shy nature, tending to stay on the edge of the crowd or action. He really enjoyed the Rainbow Loom bracelets, coloring sheets, and jumping rope. He had to bite his bottom lip to concentrate while jumping rope and he enjoyed having contests to see who could jump the longest.

No Longer collected as many Crocs as possible to take on the trip with us in January. There were many, many generous donations made of all sizes and colors. I remember a bright hot pink pair showing up in the donation pile and thinking one of the girls would be excited to be given such pretty shoes. One of my favorite trip moments was watching Pastor Altagracia carefully decide which shoes would fit which child best. When it was Hans' turn, he was given the hot pink pair because they were a perfect fit! He was thrilled with his new shoes and didn't even mind the color. He was thankful to have a new pair of shoes that were comfortable and roomy. It was a powerful lesson for us to learn from Hans about the meaning of contentment. I will never forget those hot pink shoes!


Hans is a kind boy with a shy smile who has found a loving, safe place to call home. His father is deceased, his mother's whereabouts are unknown, and he has survived tragedies I can't even fathom, but we are thankful there is hope for Hans. Despite all of the bad in his past, he is gaining confidence and learning he is loved and cared for everyday based on the actions of those around him at Casa Amor. If you are interested in a one-time donation or monthly sponsorship, please click here. 100% of all donations made to No Longer are used for the family at Casa Amor.

And don't forget the 5K is in less than three weeks! Click HERE to learn more and register to run!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wooly Wednesday: The No Longer 5K & a Giveaway

Yes, it's Wooly Wednesday, but we're taking things in a different direction today to talk about the 3rd annual No Longer 5K! The race will take place on Saturday, April 25, in downtown Trussville, and we are anticipating a wonderful morning. Plans have been made, volunteers are being organized, and some awesome sponsors have been found, so now all that's left is for you to sign up to run or walk! It will be a day for promoting health and wellness in our own community while raising awareness and funds for the orphaned children living at the Casa Amor orphanage in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

The success of the first No Longer 5K three years ago came as a huge surprise to the No Longer team. We honestly weren't sure if a single person would show up that morning, but on race day we had a parking lot full of smiling faces and enthusiastic supporters. We were even more overwhelmed by the turnout last year and were completely astounded at what God makes possible. We are so thankful He allows us to be a part of His work. The craziest thing? At the time of the first two years of the 5K, there were no children living at Casa Amor and the plan for No Longer's involvement was somewhat unclear.

Thank the Lord, this year things have changed! We are so excited about the 3rd annual No Longer 5K because this year we have precious faces to share who have names and stories, children we have met and who we dearly love, living at Casa Amor: Vianny, Marianny, Millie, Gabriella, Carmen, Rosie, Millie, Adrian, Carlos, Christopher, Danielito, Junior, Diego, Edwin, Hans, Jose, Juan Carlos, Miguel Angel, Richard, and Yensi. Some of these children you have met through Wooly Wednesday posts, and others you will meet over time, but all of these children are equally loved by Jesus and equally in need of believers who have decided INACTION IS NO LONGER AN OPTION to speak up on their behalf.

Grab your family and friends! We need runners and walkers and families of all ages to come out in support of No Longer as we raise awareness for the orphaned children living in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. This year we are raising money for the monthly support of the children, mommas and other caretakers at Casa Amor, and also for a few construction projects that will enhance the lives of both the family at Casa Amor and the people in the Brisas neighborhood surrounding the orphanage. There are many wonderful plans in the works!

The future of Casa Amor is so bright and the morning of the 5K will be a ton of fun for your entire family as we celebrate what has happened in the last three years and what is yet to come! Please join us and help spread the word!

Contest time!! Want to win a gray microfiber No Longer 5K tee and a one-of-a-kind cross made from metal taken off the side of a Dominican house before it was replaced? All you need to do for a chance to win is leave a comment either on this blog post or on this week's Wooly Wednesday post on Facebook with the name of who you will be running for at this year's No Longer 5K! {Cheat sheet: the names of the children living at Casa Amor are listed above!} Not able to participate in the 5K? No problem! Let us know the name of the child you will commit to pray for this week and that will count! *The winner will be announced in next week's Wooly Wednesday post.*

For more information about the race, join the No Longer 5K event page on Facebook by clicking here. We can't wait to see you on April 25!