>>>>From the Founders<<<<
Thank you so much for investing in No Longer during 2012. We are so grateful for your generosity and support. We couldn't accomplish anything in Santo Domingo without people behind us who believe in the mission and vision.
Since sharing our vision with others at the founding dinner on April 19, No Longer has raised
over $76,000!
Incredible! Some of these funds will be used to complete the construction of two dorms with bathrooms/showers, an administrative building with health room, and a kitchen that will provide a "home" to 36 orphans in the early months of 2013.
Thank you for your partnership through the giving of donations and/or the purchasing of No Longer merchandise. We are humbled and honored to partner with you! And thank you in advance for the amazing things we will do together in 2013! While we celebrate what has been accomplished, please be reminded the work is just getting started and we hope you will partner with us to see it through.
Thank you and God bless you in 2013!
>>>>Tracy, Michael, Lindsey, Blake, Melissa, Brian, Drew, Kevin, & John<<<<