Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Guest Post: Girl on a Mission

(It's a guest post Wednesday!  Lauren Womack is a young person who has decided inaction is no longer an option and taken action.  The No Longer team has been incredibly inspired by the young people who have taken the initiative to do what they can to aid and bring awareness to the plight of others around the world.  This is a story to be shared!)

My name is Lauren Womack and I will turn 12 in September.  I attend First Baptist Church in Trussville, Alabama.  I wanted to share with you why I want to help others who are in need.  My children's ministers at church, Mr. Blake and Mr. Jonathan, have taught me that God wants me to show his love by helping others. My mom and dad have always supported me and helped me find ways to do it.  I have always served with my family in my community, for example on Friday nights or Sunday afternoons feeding the homeless or stuffing pre-made lunch kits and delivering them.  Sometimes we just serve the food but other times we can actually talk to the homeless and hear their stories of how they ended up there and tell them about how much God loves them and cares for them.  I also like to go to a local school that is downtown to bring a special lunch to the students with a few members from my church.  The kids are always so happy to see us when we show up.  I think it shows them that we love them and that God does, too, and that he can provide for them. Sometimes we play games or do crafts, and I really enjoy it.

My very first project on my own was about two years ago when I decided to do a lemonade stand at my house with my friend for donations for One Verse.  We were able to raise enough money to translate almost two verses.  This past summer at VBS we were going to collect money for One Verse, so I decided to do another lemonade stand.  This time I raised enough to translate one more verse.  To date, between my lemonade stands and my little brother and I saving our money, we have translated four verses.  It only takes $26 to translate one verse of scripture into another language.  It makes me sad to know there are more than 2,200 unreached languages.  That means tons of people don't have access to God's Word in a language they can understand.

This past year I was given the opportunity to serve food at the No Longer kick-off dinner in Trussville.  At the dinner I learned there are an estimated 147 million orphans in the world today and they need our help.  The Bible says we are to look after the orphans and the widows.  It only takes ONE person to make a difference in someone else's life.

This summer I went to Preteen Camp with my church.  We learned about transforming our lives.  We talked a lot about different mission projects and I wanted to do something to help instead of just listening to how much others are suffering.  I decided to come up with some ideas of what I could do to start helping more.  I didn't want to help just one group anymore... I wanted to help them all.  I already knew about the ministries I wanted to help but just needed a way to do it.  I came up with the idea of making bracelets to support each different mission area.

When we do chores in my family, we earn money and my parents have taught us how to separate it into three portions.  We have Spend, Save and Give.  I decided to use my "Save" money to buy the supplies to make the bracelets.  My older sister helped me make over 75 bracelets and 20 bookmarks.  I sold them recently at an event at my church and was able to raise over $180.  All of the money will be divided among the four ministries I wanted to help: No Longer, One Verse, Living Water and ROC Ministries.

If you are a kid just like me and think you can't help because you don't have lots of money, let me tell you some ways you can:

  • put away a little money from birthday or Christmas or chores into an envelope for missions and church offering.
  • order water at a restaurant and save the money you would have spent on a soda.
  • make a prayer journal and pray about them.
  • find ways to serve with your own family.
  • make a lemonade stand, crafts, bake sale, yard sale, or babysitting.
I love knowing that I am making a difference even if only in a small way.  I will always be looking for other ways to help.

Monday, August 6, 2012

What's next?

Recently while reflecting on No Longer's timeline, we realized it's been almost ten months since a rainy Sunday lunch at Moe's changed our lives forever.  A few of us got together to discuss what God was working in each of our hearts, completely unaware that we were all experiencing similar stirrings...  A desire to make our lives count.  A passion for the least of these in our world.  A life with purpose and meaning.  An undeniable sense that God was calling us to action.

During these past few months it has been incredible to see how God has led us and guided each of our steps.  It has been encouraging to find that we are no longer just a team of a few people, but a group of hundreds of people (you!) working together as a part of this ministry.  We stand together and all agree that "inaction is no longer an option."  Since the start of this journey we have created a website, promoted No Longer through dinners, parties and social media, and we have been on a vision trip to Haiti.  The question many of you may be asking right now is: what's next?

The best way to explain this process is to compare it to an adoption.  We believe that God has called us to provide for orphans in Haiti... there is absolutely no denying that!  We have accepted this call from God and have agreed that we will do whatever He calls us to do.  We have told others about No Longer and have been overwhelmed at the number of people who are now advocates alongside us.  We have pursued a partnership with an organization to lead us through the process of funding a village and homes for orphans (Global Orphan Project).  A few months ago several of us went to Haiti with Global Orphan to check things out on the ground.  We have raised financial support and are humbled by the fact that we have raised enough funds to completely finish phase 1 of construction.    

However, we are still waiting on God's perfect timing...

We are now in the most difficult part of the process.  We are ready for action.  We are ready to begin the process of building homes for children who need a roof over their head.  We are more excited than ever about partnering with a local church in Haiti and meeting the pastor we will work with so closely.  And the most exciting thing is the chance for families to partner together and lead trips to Haiti.  We. Are. Ready.  Yet, in our excitement to go and do, God seems to be calling us to wait for His timing.

As of now, we still feel led to work with Global Orphan Project, but at the same time we are completely open to whatever God may call us to do in the future as it relates to providing for orphans in Haiti through the local church.  We are passionate about pursuing His purpose and plan for No Longer, not just fulfilling our personal desires on our timeline.  It is our prayer that in the next few days, weeks or months Global Orphan will call us with a partnering church and we will begin the process.  But right now we are simply waiting for the Lord to direct our next steps, and in the meantime will continue advocating for orphans in Haiti and raising awareness and funds.  One thing is for sure, though!  None of this takes God by surprise, and He knows we are completely dependent on Him for all that we do.  

Our prayer is that No Longer will be a movement that changes all who are involved as we support orphans in Haiti.  As we become more aware of the needs of these precious children,  we pray God  will show us how blessed we are and stir within us a desire to act.  It is because "the love of Christ compels us" (2 Cor. 5:14) that we are committed to doing whatever it takes.  Thank you for joining us on this journey.  We know it's not going to be easy... but it will most certainly be worth it!