This video pretty much sums up how the night of the dinner went for me. It was a complete blur! Don't get me wrong, though... it was a glorious blur!! The dinner was so much more than we anticipated it would be, and the week following the dinner has been equally amazing. I have had the opportunity to talk to so many people who are interested in getting involved in giving children in Haiti a hope for the future and improving their lives. It has been so exciting to talk to people and friends who have felt led to do more but they just weren't sure what to do or where to start. No Longer is an answer to their prayers.
I've heard a lot of people ask what they can do for No Longer now. Blake mentioned a quote from a pastor who said, "If prayer isn't necessary to accomplish your vision, then you aren't thinking big enough." And, simply put, there is nothing greater we can do for the children we will reach than to pray for them. So, the answer to the question of what can be done now is PRAYER! Here is a short list of specific prayer needs this week:
- Pray for Global Orphan Project as they are finding and vetting a local church to be in partnership with No Longer. Pray for wisdom as they meet with church members and get to know the surrounding community.
- Pray for the pastor who will be "our pastor" on the ground involved in the daily care of the orphans. Pray for him to have the strength and perseverance needed to lead his church and to provide love and care for the kids in difficult circumstances.
- Pray for hearts and lives to be changed through the partnership between No Longer and Global Orphan, both lives here in the United States and lives in Haiti.
Thank you for following this journey on the blog and thank you for the continued prayers!